Tuesday, September 29, 2009

beraya besama S-Team MBFF

sabtu lpas ak kuar beraya ngan mbff ak kat c.homes, but thun ni kami cuma ber 3 aje, xmcm thun2 lpas.. ktorg meronda2 ke rumah msing2, mkan2, kuih raya yg penting, then lpas abis je braya dlm uma wani, start buat sesi fotografi kat luar uma wanie.. then g lepak bustop dpan sk, bajet nak tunggu bas r, then bley lak sambung sesi uw ag skali, kakaka..

hmm rugi r plak gamba2 raya kat kmpung ak xamik, siyes time tu xde mood+ tension lak uw, huh raya ctu da xbes mcm ak bdak2 dlu..

ney gamba2 yg ktorg amik time sabtu tuw.. (pose2 ak yg taley bla, haha)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Overcoming Negative Emotions

One of the many lessons I have learned in my life, and continue to learn, is that my thoughts create my emotions, and my emotions create my behaviors, and then it circles back around. Once this cycle begins it seems almost impossible to stop. If my thoughts are positive in nature, the results can help me live my best life. However, if they are negative thoughts, what follows are negative feelings, followed by negative behaviors. Through this pattern I have come to realize that I must look at my negativity as an opportunity to grow and development. I have developed a series of steps that help me acknowledge when this pattern of negativity is beginning, as well as how to disrupt the pattern and ultimately stop it from continuing any further.

The first step is to create more awareness as to what thoughts I am actually thinking when I am thinking them. I use a technique called quieting the mind. To quiet the mind I meditate in order to cultivate mindfulness. Mindfulness basically means awareness, and I have found that the more I practice meditation, the more mindful or aware I become of the constant barrage of negative thoughts that flow through my mind. This awareness has allowed me to realize that not all of my thoughts are rational, or are they necessarily based in reality. Therefore, because of my awareness, a red flag appears each time I think something negative about myself, my situation, or even an idea that I might have. When this flag goes up I am instantly able to reassess the thought and see where it might have originated and if it still holds any truth for me. Many times the thought is something I learned as a child, or was told as a child by significant others in my life, but it is not what I beli! eve as an adult. Then with this knowledge I am able to challenge it and eventually erase it.

The second technique is called listening to the heart. Listening to the heart involves paying attention to the actual feelings I am feeling in any given situation. I have learned that my feelings provide very valuable information as to what my values are, what my true beliefs are, what situations or people drain my energy, and what boundaries I need to create and enforce in order to protect myself. Many times my negative thoughts instantly create a negative feeling of being frustrated, irritated, angry, jealous, and afraid. Since these thoughts and feelings happen almost simultaneously, I have learned that not only do I need to pay more attention to the actual thought that triggers the negative emotions, I also need to pay more attention to the emotion itself. The first thing I do is identify what feeling I am experiencing. I then allow myself the room to experience that feeling, which provides me with the opportunity to work through the feeling and get past it. Through! this process I am also able to connect the feeling to a deeper meaning for me, realizing that whatever I am angry or frustrated about in that moment, is not the real issue. The real issue is much deeper. This provides a much broader perspective from which to view my feelings, which makes them less overwhelming.

The bottom line is that the more awareness I create around what actually fuels my emotions and ultimately my behaviors, the more control I have over how I respond to various situations and stressors. Learning that the more conscious I am, the better decisions and choices I will make, which will lead to a happier, more balanced, and more meaningful life. Making these connections is imperative in disrupting and stopping the negative patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

It might be useful for you in your own life to look at some your behaviors that you might view as negative. They can be behaviors of trying to control or manipulate those around you, or over eating, over spending, working too much, drinking too much, being judgmental towards others, or a combination of some or all of these. We all have behaviors that we engage in that do not lift us up to be our best selves. If we learn to analyze what feelings might be driving those behaviors, and then what thoughts are driving those feelings, it becomes possible to stop and interrupt this pattern. We can then choose new patterns that are more positive and that will help us create our best life from the inside out.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

detak detik raya

lagi 3 hari da nak raya, skjap je rase sbulan puasa en.. ak tawon ney braya kat kedah, ruma tokwan ak, 4 ari kot kat sane, then blik uma blik, na siapkan asgment yg mlambak cam vavi uw.. baju raya ak da dpat da, 2pasang cam slalu, 1 kaler prple, 1 ag ijaw.. yg ijaw tuw ak plan ngan mak n makcik2 ak, bia same tema kaler, huhuh, kunk lpas raya ak post ag keyh, tnjuk suasana raya kt kmpung ak lak..
ney ha bju raya ak yg kaler ijaw uw, yg prple ak maleh nak fitting, ekeke.. ak jnis beli yg ready-made aje, tamo tempah2, xske owg ukur2 bdan ak, wakaka..

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

tarikh chanteq

fuh, ariney tarikhnye santek lorh, 09.09.09.. kalo owg cina sume nak kawen ariney, dowg kate ari bawak "ong", ak xcaye suma tuw, but ak ske nmbo tarikh ney, pas ney da xley ulang balik da tarikh ney..huu

Monday, September 7, 2009

puasa di bulan Ramadan

Stiap kali tibanya Ramadan, ak gumbira sangat, sbb dlm bulan ni la ak dapat merasa mcm2 jenis mkanan yg salunye ak xdpat mkan d bulan2 lain. Sbb xdpat mkanan tu bukan ape, just kalo time xpuase, xteringat o tringin pn nak mkan mcm2.. Time puase ney lak, haaa.. mcm2 r mkanan yg tetiba terlintas kat pale otak, da tu ape lagi, serang r bazaar!!! wahahaha.. Bulan ramadan ney jugak ak dpat idup dgan aman, xde sesi umpat mengumpat blaku, ciput dosa ak bulan ney,haha.. Time buat kuih raya r paling bez, wangi je bau bskut2 tuw lpas dbakar, kuatkan iman asma.. Yg paling ak xbley tinggal stiap kali mnjelang raya ni ialah Almond London!! Ak ske isap coklat dye dlu bru mkan bskut n almond dalamnye, wahhaha,xsnunuh..

Thursday, September 3, 2009

jalan jalan baju raya

da ari ke 13 posa ney, ak xbeli2 ag bju raya, ntah, xde yg bkenan d aty sgt. kalo pn ak beli nnt, hope bju tu akan muat la tawon dpan, xsggup ak naik berat ag, stok bju kurung sume ktat, huh, gmuk bbenaw..

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

sem baru hidup baru

Hmm, skjap je rase, da 5 semester rupenye ak kat klmu. Senior ak neyh~~ bangga jap (bgga la sgt,wawawa) ag stawon da nk blah da, g practical, xsabar toi.. Kalo sem2 lpas rase mcm shit je, mcm2 bnde xbez jd, hope sgt sem ni n sterusnya akn jd lbey baik. Bia la ak bley trus focus n focus (utk ape? mcm2 sbnanye, ahaks)
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