Friday, January 1, 2010

GOODBYE 2009, WELCOME 2010!!

salam, hmm for me,2009 was not the best year i've ever had, so many sad things happen, and i got mad so many times this year, habes banyak kedut2 aku dapat, zzzz...
january 2009, i'm still in the dark and sadness, kesedihan, kesadisan, kepiluan, kerinduan, realy had hard time, as i was just broke up with him in the middle of december 2008, and was celebrated new year all alone in the room, was crying silently, while people in the hood happily celebrating new year with their love ones.
i took somehow a long time to forget about him, and all the memories, and i think i failed.
this year my maksu sudah bkahwin dgn bf ksayangan dia, i'm happy for her. but at the same time i realy felt of losing her as my bestfriend. yea i know she got a husband and hv responsibility to her family, but not being tamak, i just need a bit of her attention. she didnt text me at all, (but only if there were a big thing) skarang nak balik kmpung pon da xde smangat da, da r xde kawan kat sane, xkluar ruma, xtaw nk g mane, haihzz.. =.="
aku jgak asyik trasa hati dgn kgkawan aku, ntah la nape sensitif je ni, but suma rasa2 pelik ni aku pendam je sengsorang, xde yg paham kot, hadoi. but i admit not all yg suckz, ade yg b there when i need them the most. this year i can realy realize whos the kawan sejati, n kbanyakan nye just b there when im happy, when im sad? hampehh..
knapa melayu ni hidop taw nak dengki mendengki je?? aku xpaham tol la dgn org2 yg ada sifat cmni. kalau taw nak dengki when someone got a thing better than u, then bila kaum kita nak maju?? suka eyk bila tgk orang lain down? bengong..
tahun ni pon aku jgak rasa semangat belajar aku makin menurun, da smakin fedup da nak mmbaca. wuwuw bila la nak habes ni, aku nak cpat2 masuk alam lain, da xmaw jadi student lagi...
salu gak aku kena tipu, dengan org yg aku kenal, yg baru kenal, n org yg aku xknal lgsong pown tipu aku, sial betul! biar la suma org2 shit tu kena tipu, biar dorg rasa, fuck u all penipus!!
walaupon orang nmpak aku senyum je, tapi hati ni hanya aku n tuhan je tahu.. :( and i dont realy love to share bad news with people. ill just keep the real story inside my head, and obviously its killing me, i got realy stressed out and going nuts about all these stuff..

but bukan semuanya kisah teruk2 jadi tahun ni. ada jugak cerita yg best n menggembirakan jadi dlm hidop aku.
this year aku jumpa smula my best friend, since darjah 5 kami bsahabat, n she didnt changed at all, as sweet as ever! love her damn much. kat myspace n facebook aku dapat jmpa balik kwn2 lama aku, which da berabad xjmpa, nseb bek dorg still ingat kat aku, huhu miss all my frens..
this year jugak aku dpat a bf, yg sgt2 sayangkan aku, n sdia bsama aku dlm gmbira or sedih, n sntiasa cool je, aku sygkan dia, xkisah la apa org nak cakap, bukan dapat apa2 pown dgn kata2, yg pnting aku bahagia, dsayangi org, n i realy want him to know that i luv him, n hope this relationship not only last here, hope itll be forever, amin..
thun ni jgak aku dpat byk mnda baru, camera dgtal baru, nset baru, laptop baru, spender baru, hahah (gila) happy dapat guna gadget2 ni, n yg paling bez aku ada internet yayy, mnda alah ni aku guna utk siapkan assignment yg bole dkatakan dpat stiap hari, lol, seriously, and alang2 da ada tenet ni, aku guna je la utk tjuan len, sperti facebooking, myspacing, youtubing, n downloading, lalalalala.. biar la aku nak buat ape, aku jugak yg bayar bil ni tiap2 bulan, xmntak duit jiran sblah pown, lol
im also had so much time hanging out with my frens, thanks for giving such a great time, hope next time yall still sudi hanging out wimme..

well2 2009 suda pon mnutup tirainya, and 2010 baru saja bmula, long way to go, sure lagi bnyak cerita, drama, conflicts, and hopefully good memories will be happening this year, still got loads more to be accomplished.
my new year resolutions?? shhh.. hahah :p

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