Salam. Blog Robowtasmara telah ditag oleh 2 orang blogger yang sweet, Lyza dan Nurulrahim. Aduii pening kepala sudah nak jawab soalan siapa ni :P Oke solution! Saya jawab soalan korang secara berselang2. Adil kan? Hehe
1.You must post these rules.
2.Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal.
3.Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post.
And create eleven new questions for people you tagged to answer.
4.You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them to the post.
5.Go to their page and tell them you have tagged him/her.
6.No tag backs.
7.No stuff in the tagging section about
'You are tagged if you are reading this' you legitimately
(a.k.a really, trust, with all honesty) have to tag 11 people.
11 Facts about myself:
1. Asma Ishak
2. 21 tahun sudah
3. K-poperz tegar since 2004, and I'm proud of my addiction xD
4. Junhyung laki aku, haha heck yeahh Hara! xD
5. First impression aku yang selalu orang lain cakap: SOMBONG. Kenapakah? =="
6. Cats and hamsters lover
7. Aiming for my own car. Next year maybe? :D
8. Got me2day account. Stalking Korean stars with easier path! xD 9. Selca!
10. Most favorite sweeties: Chocolate. Least favorite: Coffee
11. Lalala~
Okeh sekarang meh aku nak jawab soklan2 dari mereka2 xD
1. sape paling kowng syg???mOm or dad??
- Dua dua sayang!
2. Suka warna apa ?
- Earth-tone, especially grey
3. ape yg kowng nak dlm idop?
- Semua. :P
4. Bila korang tengah bengang , cam ne korang nak cover ?
- Senyum, the best cover evahh~!!
5. ciri2 lelaki or pompuan pilihan anda?
- Solleh, the most important criteria, InsyaAllah jumpa~
6. Buat soalan-2 macam ni , berbaloi tak ?
- Rasa-rasanya? :P
7. artis yg kowng plng x ske..why???
- Justin Bieber. Nuff said.
8. First time masuk dalam dunia BLOG , apa perasaan korang ?
- Teruja la kot, puhahahahh
9. kedai mkn mne yg kowng plng ske kt tmpt kowng?
- Dapur, sebab ada masakan mak, memang paling terbaik punya, free pun free, yeayyy xD
10. Masa raya aidilfitri hari tu , korang dapat duit raya ?
- Dapat la jugak sesen dua, walaupun dah tua ni kann~
11. blog plng kowng ske?
Sekarang, giliran aku pulak bikin soalan:
1. Kawan atau sahabat? Kenapa?
2. Masakan Melayu atau Western?
3. Favorite song?
4. Zara atau Forever 21?
5. Zombi Kampung Pisang atau Hantu Kak Limah balik Rumah? xD
6. Kalau panjang umur dan jadi nenek/atuk, nak cucu berapa orang?
7. Selalunya weekend apa aktiviti yang selalu dibuat?
8. Apa pengalaman paling manis yang pernah dialami?
9. Ada beli baju raya sempena raya haji tak?
10. Kalau diberi RM 1 juta, apa perkara/barang pertama yang nak dibuat/beli?
11. Cupcake yang tersangat comel atau cheesecake yang tersangat sedap?